Who Pays For you to March in Doo Dah Parade?
FREE!?!?! Now, you might say to yourself, "self, how can this all be free?!" That's cause these fine folks listed below are paying for your opportunity to march July 4, 2022!
The 2022 Doo Dah $$ Players!
“The V.I.P. Dignitaries” - $1,000 to 1 billion
Short North Tavern
The Quarry Co
The Library
Harrison's on Third
TownHall Short North
Greg Zanetos
Byrne's Pub
Bua Irish Whiskey
Press Grill Short North
Press Pub Grandview
Local Cantina Brewery District Local Cantina Canal WinchesterLocal Cantina Clintonville Local Cantina Dublin Local Cantina GahannaLocal Cantina Grandview Local Cantina Grove City Local Cantina HilliardLocal Cantina New AlbanyLocal Cantina Short North Local Cantina Upper ArlingtonLocal Cantina Water StreetLocal Cantina Westerville Local Bar The Go GoThe RossiMid City Garage South Village GrilleBěndì Wok
Doug & Kim Borror
White Castle
CD 92.9 FM / Big Room Bar
Columbus Hotdog Relay Race
Dempsey's Food + Spirits
“High Rollers” - $500 – $999
Franklin County Auditor Michael Stinziano
The Pizzuti Companies
Paul Feeney & Chad Braun
Forno Kitchen + Bar
Short North Pint House
Standard Hall
Standard Live
Goody Boy
Urban Meyer's Pint House
Brew-Stirs Beechwold Tavern
Brew-Stirs Clintonville Tavern
Joseph R. Landusky III, Esq.
Mike's Grill
Short North Civic Association
Union Cafe'
Axis Night Club
“Touchdown Club” - $101 to $499
Denmark On HighCameron Mitchell Restaurants
Big Fun! Columbus
Thurber Village Market BP
James B Ford, D.D.S. Inc.
Cutler Real Estate Meyer & Dial Metro OfficeBill & Lisa & Sadie WoodBill Wood Images.com
Walt Thieman
Ziggy's Drive-Thru on 3rd
Prologue BookshopMichael Sexton Chairman FCDPDowntown Michael S. BrownMaryellen O'Shaughnessy, Clerk of CourtsSeventh Son Brewing
Bill & Tammy Parnell of 2nd Av
Bruce Dooley of KW Dooley Co & TeamHitchings Insurance Agency Inc
Accountants on ParoleFirst Commonwealth Bank - Short North
Wilber Hills Country Club
Landscapes By Terra.com
“Boosters” - up to $100
Suzanne Rizer
Sadie & Alice GleasonShort North Alliance
Todd & Mindy Law
Andrew Klein, Attorney At Law
Farmboy BillKroger Community Rewards - Doo Dah #SR391Sharon Young w/KW Classic Properties
The Lamp Shade
"KUDOS"The Doo Dah DisOrganizersAreswear Sportswear
The MediaColumbus City Permits & PoliceSuperior Beverage Group’s Staff
r design & printing
- Our Fallen U.S. Troops
- Christopher J. Gage
- Michael Secrest
- Josh Roberts
- Tom Laquinta
- Christine Mersnik
- Douglas Perks
- Bob Wicks Our Beloved T-Shirt Co-Cap-e-tain
Donate via Kroger Shopping...
Kroger Community Rewards You too can still help support Friends of Doo Dah Parade by enrolling in Kroger Community Rewards!Register and link your Kroger Plus card online, and Kroger will make a quarterly donation to Friends of Doo Dah,
based on a percentage of sales of all enrolled. Our organization number is SR391Annual renewal of your rewards enrollment and annual (April) re-enroll is required:Enrollment page https://www.kroger.com/account/enrollCommunityRewardsNowKroger Community Rewards - Doo Dah #SR391
Put your Money Where Your Mouth Is...Consider A Contribution!Friends of Doo Dahis NOW a Non-Profit OrganizationIt's a tax write off!! Whoo Hoo!!If you love Doo Dah and want to help make it happen, click on the "Donate" button, and send us some jing! Why not? It's a tax write off!PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!Official PayPal Seal
Make a donation via PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online:
U.S. Snail Mail too!
Or, you can mail a check to:
“Friends of Doo Dah”
1148 Studer Ave
Columbus, OH 43206-3215
Hey, it's a tax right off...what the heck...make that mammoth size donation today!